Sunday, March 22, 2015

11 & 10 Weeks to Sugarloaf

11 weeks to go
Go-in target range: 62-65 miles
Coach Alan's plan: 52

  • Tuesday: 8 mile progression run @ 7:10-7:20 pace
  • Thursday: 3200@12:20 (6:10 pace, 46.2 per lap), 5 min jog rest, 6x600 in 2:18 with 15 seconds standing rest. With warmup and cooldown
  • Sunday long run of 17 miles at 7:30-7:40 pace
Actual: 53 miles
Pace for the week: 7:34

10 weeks to go
Go-in target range: 68-70 miles
Coach Alan's plan 61-63 miles
  • Wednesday: 3 mile tempo at 6:40 pace, 4 mins recovery jog, 3x1 mile in 6:15 with 3 mins recovery with warmup up and cooldown
  • Friday: 8 miles with 6x2:00 on/off in the last 3 miles on a hilly route if possible.
  • Long run: 18 long run, overall 7:30-7:40 pace average

Actual: 65 miles, a new single-week high for me!
Pace for the week: 7:38
Returning from Arizona I found slightly warmer weather, but in the first of these two weeks I was still on the treadmill for a couple of days, but since then, no treadmill!  Last year during my Boston training, the two marathons I ran (mid-1:30 range) went well but left me with little energy for 7-10 days afterwards.  This time around, I returned from Phx ready to get back to work the following week.   My weekly average now has settled nicely into the mid-to-high 7:30 range for this training cycle, which seems appropriate for an attempt at a ~7:10 effort marathon.

11 weeks-to-go highlights: I did that progression run on a treadmill and for some reason I was shooting for a sub 7:30, not 7:10-7:20...oopsies.  For the Thursday workout at Reggie, I was so grateful to have company from Alan and Marc.   This is a workout that Alan explained to us he's done in the past to really kick off lactic acid from the muscles.  It's a solid tempo effort followed by short bursts with very little (15 seconds) of rest.  It went well!  With Alan pacing us the entire way, we moved through the tempo session just a touch under the target pace, and I was feeling just a bit strained at the end, but nothing that a few minutes of recovery couldn't take care of.  Then began the 6x600s...3 laps of the 200m track.  The target was 2:18, our results were 2:16, 2:15, 2:12, 2:12, 2:09, 2:04.  On that final lap(s) of the final 600, instead of pacing me, Alan let me just move out on my own before coming back up on my right towards the finish...I was definitely running out of steam by the last 600, but this was a great workout.  I don't know what I would have been able to do on my own though, it would have been a struggle without someone helping me control my pace.

Not too much to say about the long run.  It started with me locking my keys in my car by accident, but I realized it before the run started, so the whole run I knew I had a fun AAA wait to look forward to (not helping the fact that our kids were their cousins house for this run, and my phone was in the car so I couldn't let their parents know I would be late.)  We (Maartje & Michael) did three 5 mile loops through JP.   I think on this run, I probably pushed a little too hard for the first two laps as I tried to keep up with the other two runners, and during the second loop, I let them know they didn't need to wait for me at all, that I would meet them at JP Licks after.  The last few miles that you can't see below did start to drift a bit, but everything mostly stayed in the 7:40 range, except the big hill mile on Warren st, but even that I was able to hold under 8 min miles, and kept the whole run at 7:32 pace.  I'm happy with this! 

The follow week was a big week for me!  I knew I had a off week coming the following week, and it was fairly quiet at work and home, so I figured it was a good week to put in as much work as I felt I could reasonably handle at this stage.  I stretched out a few 5 mile runs into 6-7 mile runs, I had a GREAT tempo workout (outside!) with Maartje on a muddy/puddly esplanade.  The target was 3 miles at 6:40 pace followed by 3x1mile at 6:15 pace.  We hit 6:30, 6:35, 6:38 for the consecutive 3 mile tempo.  For the 3x1mile we managed 6:15, 6:12 and 6:18.  The whole thing ended up being around 13 miles and I felt great afterwards.  (The cooldown didn't feel great though.)

Friday's hill workout was done in Milton on a nice, sunny afternoon.  I felt good, but my quads felt pretty beat up, especially after the downhill pickups.    Saturday's long run was done in some cold, rainy march weather, and I was by myself, which never seems to go well.  It really didn't go great...I managed 7:47 pace for 18, with the first 12 on flat ground towards Southie and back, and then a little bit of hills in the normal 6 mile Milton loop.

After that run ended, I realized that due to the previous weeks Sunday long run, and the following week's Saturday run, that I had put in 78 miles in a 7 day span.  And honestly, I felt pretty good about it!  And the 78 miles came in at an average pace of 7:36.  That's really good for me! 

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