Monday, September 1, 2014

12 Weeks to Philly

LW Actual: 42 miles (vs target 40) at 8:13 pace.
Key runs: Thursday Track (200m fast, 200m fastish x 13) 3.4m @ 6:29; Sat Long Run 16m @ 8:30
X-Training: Friday kettle bell and core session.

The runs on Tues/Wed/Thur all were fairly fast, I believe I was averaging 7:45 after the Thursday night track session.  I felt GREAT in that workout. I had a fantasy football draft at 8:30, so I got to the track early and ended up doing 3 miles of warmup, so I was fairly limber by the start of the actual session.  The session is basically run 200 at your target 5k pace, and then 200 at 10 seconds more as a rest.  I was thinking I would do my 200's at 50 seconds and then 60 second recovery 200's, but I ended up below that for everything and scorched the final 3 fast 200's (41,42,39) and pushed to do 13 reps instead of the prescribed 10-12.  Like I said, I was feeling GREAT.

Friday I was somewhat sore, but not all that bad.  I decided to do a bit more than rest/stretch for the day, so at lunch I went to the gym and did a relatively short Kettle and Core workout.  The kettle portion was a 3 sets of 10 reps of squats, squat/press, 2 handed swings, 1 handed swings.  I mixed that in with 3 sets of 2 min planks.  That night I was feeling it pretty good.  I think the combination of a fast week, a very fast Thursday, and definitely working some neglected muscles on Friday, left me in not the best place for my long run on Sat, of 16 (consecutive miles, no RTB training this week.)  I was hoping I could start around 8:30 for a couple miles and then drop close/below 8, and finish the final 2-3 miles at 7:45...I just never got it going.  I had to struggle a bit just to get below 8:40, so that was a bit disappointing.

The week did end on a nice/easy/high note with a trail run with Aaron and the dogs.  5 miles around long pond, with Aaron taking us on a detour over to Brick Kiln road (and across Brick Kiln Road for Hudson :(....too bad I wasn't wearing my heart rate monitor for that one.)  We ran slow-ish, and that was fine.  It was a great recovery morning run!

TW Plan: 41 miles with a long run of 18 (RTB training, so a 10 mile early run and an 8 mile evening run.)  I've been over-delivery the weekly miles each of the last 2 weeks, I hope to continue the trend!
Definitely planning on hitting the Thursday FHR speed workout, but I suspect our days on the track are numbered as it is a zoo there lately with the pee-wee football chaos, so I would guess it is back to the hill workouts soon.

Philly Marathon 16 week total: 151 of 600 miles
2014 (YTD) miles: 1,119 miles
Trailing Year: 1,369 miles

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