Monday, August 18, 2014

14 weeks to Philly

LW Actual: 33 miles (vs target 33) at 8:04 pace.
Key runs: Tempo Tuesday @ 7:16 and Falmouth Road Race @ 7:02

In advance of Falmouth, I front-loaded the miles this week.  After the tempo run last week at 7min miles left me feeling like I had just raced, I eased back to 7:15 minute pace this week, which felt much more like a tempo run to me vs race speed.  The rest of the week was just getting miles in at an easy 8:45 pace, with lots of stretching Friday and Saturday. 

This was my 8th Falmouth Road Race (not including Falmouth in the Fall) and based on my pacing trajectory and the 10k time I had in Milton in June, my goal for this race was to run sub-48, beating my 2002 FRR time of 48:15.   Like last year, I was in the seeded corral this year and started about 3 seconds after the gun-time, and experienced no slowing at the start of the race, fortunately.  My plan was to go out at 6:45 pace and hold until I hit the Flying Bridge (5.25) and then try and lower my pace to the hill.  I figured that would put me close to 47 minutes, or less.  I think that was a realistic goal, but after 3 miles at 6:45, by the time I hit Surf Drive my pace started to slip and by miles 5 and beyond, I couldn't run under 7 min miles.  I really labored the last 1.5, close to 7:30 pace.  Overall, the time is 3 minutes faster than last year and less than a minute off my PR pace from 2002 (when I was 24) so no complaints there.  I just really had it in my head that I would PR and could say that, arguably, I'm in the best running shape of my life, and I think that would have given me a mental boost for Philly, as I try and PR by 5 minutes there.   It was strangely dissapoinging to finish a race and not have my watch tell me I had run a PR time, but sub-50 is a really good time here!  So, maybe another year and, at 37, I'll PR, but I have to assume that my 10k speed potential is close to peaking based on my age.

The REALLY good news is that, other than some general soreness this AM, I raced without any hamstring damage.  My right shin had been bothering me the last week, but I'm not sure if it is from running or maybe the plank workouts, which put a lot of pressure on my toes and lower legs. 

TW Plan: 36 miles with a 14 mile long run.  I'll likely skip tempo tuesday and limit myself to 75%-85% effort at the track on Thursday.    The 14 mile long run will be down here on the cape next weekend, so I may end up re-running a large portion of the road race course again.  Expecting most of my runs this week to be closer to my easy pace of

Philly Marathon 16 week total: 70 of 600 miles
2014 (YTD) miles: 1,039 miles
Trailing Year: 1,290 miles

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